
Constipation is a common problem, frequently due simply to lifestyle factors. It may occur as a symptom of bowel disorders, such as IBS, or of more systemic problems, such as under-active thyroid. Sometimes an individual’s constitution can predispose them to a tendency for constipation, but this will still respond to suitable treatment. If there is an underlying cause then that obviously needs to be addressed, although constipation can be treated directly, and improvements are usually made whatever the cause. Some medications and prescription iron tablets can cause constipation as a side effect. Ensuring that the gut flora is healthy is an essential step to preventing and treating constipation in the long term (See How to Grow a Healthy Gut Flora). It is important to have a diet rich in fruit, vegetables and wholegrain foods and an adequate water intake. A diet high in refined foods and sugar leads to a congested and sluggish bowel, with an unhealthy balance of microbes in the gut. Fibre is important to add bulk to the stool. Soluble fibre is in fruit and vegetable skins, oats and oatbran, flax seed and psyllium husk (See How to Grow a Healthy Gut Flora). It absorbs water to become bulky and soft and also helps to carry toxins out of the body. Insoluble fibre such as wheat bran also adds bulk and can help to keep bowels moving, but it doesn’t absorb water, tends to be more harsh, and can cause griping and discomfort if taken in large amounts. Healthy oils such as coconut, flax, hemp ands fish oils can help to lubricate the bowels and keeps things moving.

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